Catholic schools engage in fundraising activities for two distinct purposes:
As Catholic schools are part of the mission of the church, it is appropriate that schools engage in social action and social justice activities which are both educative and practical in outcomes. Such activities should occur within the structures, ethos and teachings of the Catholic Church.
Supporting Outside Bodies and Groups
Brisbane Catholic Education Policy and Guidelines
Catholic schools should ensure that students, staff and families are offered opportunities to engage in social action and social justice activities.
Preference in fundraising should always be given to official agencies of the Catholic Church. It is expected that all schools support:
Caritas Australia (e.g., Project Compassion),
Catholic Mission (e.g., on St Elizabeth’s / Mission Day), and
The St Vincent de Paul Society (e.g., end of year hampers).
Support for other agencies should be assessed using the following criteria:
Is the philosophy of the organisation in accord with gospel values and Catholic Social Teaching
Is the organisation associated with the Catholic Church and its ethos If not, is there a Catholic organisation engaged in similar activity that could be supported
Does the activity lend itself to an educational focus (e.g., does it assist students to participate in and understand the Mission of Jesus and the Church)
Are there high quality educational resources to support the activity which promote students’ understanding of poverty and marginalisation
Is the fundraising undertaken in a context of spirituality and prayer
Is the organisation accountable for its use of funds including administration costs
Does the organisation tie the use of funds to religious or political affiliation or purposes
Are those involved in the decision-making and administrative processes aware of the aims, background and authenticity of those receiving their donations
It is important to note that funds raised for a particular organisation or purpose must be given to that organisation or purpose. They cannot be diverted to another purpose after they are raised.
Micah Projects
Micah Homelessness Services ( provides a range of centre-based and outreach support services to individuals and families. Services include:
information and support to access crisis accommodation and long-term housing, or to prevent homelessness;
proactive outreach to people in public space who are intoxicated or sleeping rough and vulnerable;
primary health care, personal care and domestic support;
opportunities for employment and to participate in recreational and sporting activities; and
proactive support to people with a disability, and to families who are at risk of homelessness, to maintain their housing and create a home.
Heart Foundation
At the present time we have supported the Heart Foundation every second year by participating in the Jump Rope for Heart Program. While this organisation may not meet all of the criteria suggested above, the death of a much-loved parent due to a heart condition inspired us to provide support. The health and physical aspect of ‘Jump Rope’ also fits well into our curriculum.
Fundraising in Support of the School
At St Elizabeth’s, we are conscious of demands placed on families, particularly those demands that require a financial commitment. For this reason, limitations are placed on the amount of fundraising that is done in the school.
The School Fete is our major fundraiser for the year. Parents are asked to contribute by supporting Free Dress Days. This usually involves a gold coin donation or bringing in an item to be used at the fete (e.g., books, soft drink). Donations such as baking items are also sought.
Other activities exist in the school in which funds may be raised (e.g., Tuckshop, Uniform Shop, Mother’s Day Stall). The main intent of these activities, however, is to provide a service and cover costs as opposed to fundraising.