The Library Resource Centre of St Elizabeth's is central to the learning and teaching program of the school and is a personal and shared resource for each member of the school community. The services and facilities of the library strive to meet the differing needs, interests, and learning and teaching styles of this community. The library seeks to provide a welcoming, secure, and positive environment where each person is recognised as an individual with particular gifts and special needs. Digital and Design Technology is also taught within student library lessons, aligned with the Australian Curriculum requirements.
The facilities and services of the library resource centre are committed to establishing a learning environment which fosters the spirit of enquiry, the development of information skills, and encourages a lifelong appreciation of literature and reading. The library is staffed part-time during school hours with a Teacher Librarian and a Library Aide.
Literature Program
All classes are introduced to the best Children’s Literature available. In Term 3, the classes are taken on an intensive literature program culminating in Book Week celebrations. During the preceding weeks, the students study the Australian Children’s Book Council shortlisted books for the year. In addition, students are introduced to books that fit in with the themes or units that they are studying in class.
Library Events
Throughout the year, various events are held to promote a culture of reading for enjoyment. these include the Premier's Reading Challenge, National Similtaneous Storytime, Book Fair, The Great Book Swap, and Book Week.
© BCE, St Elizabeth's School (2021)