P & F Association

​​​​​​​​​​The Parents and Friends Association (P&F) is an integral part of the Catholic School, planning and organising activities for the benefit of the school. All parents are encouraged to be a​​ctive members of the Association.

​​​​​The P&F ​meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month – usually in the school library in the evening. The Annual General Meeting, at which the P&F Committee for the year is elected, is held in November. 

The P&F runs a number of events each year.  Of great significance is the School Fete, which is a major fundraiser, and is a fine example of our school community spirit. Parents are strongly encouraged to lend a hand. There are many jobs available. Convening a stall, making craft items, cooking and setting up on the day are examples of how you might consider making a contribution. 

P&F Executive Committee Mem​​bership

Each year, all positions on the P&​F are declared open at the AGM and nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. We encourage all who feel they can make a difference to consider their involvement in this process.

​P&F Exe​​​cutive 

  • ​President - Suzy Taylor
  • Vice President - Megan Moloney / Caroline McAlpine
  • Treasurer -  Jay Sanders
  • Secretary -   Knox Hart